Dr Bach discovered the emotional importance of Bach flower remedies in the 1930’s, and their potential to change a negative state of mind into a positive one.
Dr Bach believed that emotional distress had the potential to lead to negative impacts on overall health if left untreated. He discovered 38 flower remedies and categorised these into 7 emotional groups: fear, uncertainty, loneliness, insufficient interest in present circumstances, over-sensitivity, despondency and over care for the welfare of others. He believed each of the 38 remedies could provide an emotional solution for the negative indication of the flower. The remedies could be used singly, or as a combination remedy.
Dr Bach had unique manufacturing methods for the remedies. He believed the flowers are NOT to be homeopathically diluted.
These same methods and principles are used by Martin & Pleasance in our Rest&Quiet range today. We say no to homeopathic dilution, guaranteeing the highest quality Bach Flowers in the final bottle.